Night time corn maze events are held for youth groups on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in the month of October. The reason we offer these events exclusively to churches is to share the Gospel. Please ensure that there is at least one adult (21 years or older) to accompany every team of 4-5 people. Please have your teams formed before arriving at the maze or come early and form them before starting. Each team will be given ONE game sheet. You will need to bring at least one flashlight per team. After your groups complete the corn maze, we will offer them free refreshments and take them into the barn to hear about Christ's love for us. The schedule is as follows:
Check - In 7:00pm
Orientation 7:05pm
Corn Maze 7:15pm
Snack & Gospel 8:45pm
End of event 9:30pm
To schedule your youth group, please call 484-942-9292 or email thegilbertsvillefarm@yahoo.com.​
Youth Groups